A Way It Could Be
The moment you “die” you begin developing once more in the womb of your new mother. Once you are reborn, you will be new in many ways. You’ll have a new body, unmarred by the physical injuries and ailments from your previous life. Some things will remain though. If you were eaten by a shark in your previous life, you might have a fear of sharks in your new one. If you practiced a sport in your previous life, it will come more naturally to you in your new one.
The catch is that the truth of reincarnation cannot be figured out using empirical means. It cannot be deduced by looking through a microscope, telescope, or brain scanner. If such methods are employed, it will seem as though death must result in oblivion. That’s for the best though. If the truth of reincarnation was blindlingly obvious or easily provable, it would ruin the game.
And so you continue on, lifetime after lifetime, learning all the while. Until one day when you finally realize it’s all a dream. Then you truly wake up, and move on to a higher level of reality.