May Journal Excerpts — Part 1
2 min readMay 16, 2020
- Depression often seems to arise when one believes that something, or several things, will never change. In other words, from some type of excessive certainty. Certainty that reality is a specific way. Or works a specific way. Or will remain a specific way forever.
- The destination towards which you are headed may be very beautiful, even if the terrain you’re currently moving through is not. In fact, plenty of beautiful places require that you cross rough terrain in order to reach them.
- The overconsumption of information can cause almost as many issues as the overconsumption of food.
- I generally place more value tangible examples and anecdotes than I do on abstract theories.
- How can I listen to many different people and maintain my sanity? They’re all saying different things, many of which clash with one another. Sometimes, the dissonance created is overwhelming.
- As you grow and evolve, your old vices will become ever less appealing. Once you reach a certain place, the temptation to indulge in them will vanish entirely.
- In some instances, making your life more chaotic can be just as beneficial as making it more ordered. From time to time, I think we all need a little chaos.
- Some say it’s what you know. Others say it’s who you know. In most instances, it’s actually what you know multiplied by who you know. If one of the two variables is quite large, it can make up for a deficit in the other.
- Some days, you show up and get nothing. Other days, a perfect creation flows out over the course of a few minutes.
- Plenty of people have found their passion after spending years, and sometimes even decades, feeling lost and purposeless.
- Until you strike the gold, every shovel will yield nothing but dirt. The fact that you haven’t gotten what you wanted yet doesn’t mean you’re digging in the wrong place.